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Defiant Myanmar protesters return a day after bloodiest crackdown | Military coup | English News

  WION     March 04, 2021

38 killed in one day. Blood-drenched streets, gunshots, tear gas & violence continues in #Myanmar. E ...View More

Protests, mourning as world condemns Myanmar crackdown

Protesters are back on the streets across Myanmar, after 38 people were killed in the most violent d ...View More

Defiant Myanmar anti-coup protesters return a day after 38 are killed - BBC News

Protesters have returned to cities across Myanmar, just hours after the country saw its bloodiest da ...View More

Myanmar pro-democracy protesters return after ‘bloodiest day’ since coup

Defiant anti-#coup #protesters returned to cities and towns across #Myanmar on Thursday after dozens ...View More

Month-long Myanmar protests culminate in deadly day

Clashes between security forces and anti-coup protesters have resulted in 18 deaths in Myanmar amid  ...View More

At least six killed as Myanmar forces crack down on anti-coup protests

Security forces have opened fire on anti-coup protesters in several cities and towns in Myanmar, kil ...View More

Myanmar sees deadly clashes despite calls for calm - BBC News

Anti-coup protesters in Myanmar have been killed after troops opened fire. The security forces used  ...View More

Myanmar security forces launch deadly crackdown on protesters in several cities

Myanmar security forces opened fire in several places on Wednesday to break up anti-junta protests,  ...View More

Myanmar security forces launch deadly crackdown on protesters in several cities

Myanmar security forces opened fire in several places on Wednesday to break up anti-junta #protests, ...View More

Myanmar security forces intensify crackdowns on protesters | DW News

Pro-democracy demonstators in Myanmar show no signs of backing down amid the ongoing crackdown by se ...View More

Watch Gravitas LIVE | Myanmar military's campaign of repression | WION

  WION     March 02, 2021

As the military junta escalates the campaign of repression on pro-democracy protesters, can the glob ...View More

Myanmar security forces open fire on protesters | DW News

International pressure is growing on Myanmar's ruling military to stop its deadly crackdown on pro-d ...View More

Myanmar's military coup: Pro-democracy protests continue despite bloody crackdown

Myanmar is reeling after its bloodiest day yet in the wake of the latest military coup. But what wil ...View More

Suu Kyi hit with new charges as Myanmar protesters rally again

Less than 24 hours after Myanmar's most violent day since its military coup, prosecutors have filed  ...View More

Protesters in Myanmar defiant after deadly crackdown | DW News

Protests against the coup continue in Myanmar. On Sunday, police opened fire and made mass arrests t ...View More

Army in Myanmar shoot dead “at least 18 peaceful protesters” - BBC News

The United Nations has condemned the use of lethal force against peaceful protesters in Myanmar. It  ...View More

At least 18 killed in Myanmar on bloodiest day of protests against coup | World | WION News

Myanmar police fired on protesters around the country on Sunday in the bloodiest day of weeks of dem ...View More

New deaths mark bloodiest day yet in Myanmar’s nationwide anti-coup protests

Myanmar police fired on protesters around the country on Sunday in the bloodiest day in weeks of dem ...View More

New deaths mark bloodiest day yet in Myanmar’s nationwide anti-coup protests

Myanmar police fired on protesters around the country on Sunday in the bloodiest day in weeks of dem ...View More

Myanmar anti-junta protesters shot dead by police | DW News

Media in Myanmar are reporting that police have shot dead protestors and wounded several others in a ...View More

Several people killed as security forces open fire on Myanmar protesters

Myanmar security forces violently dispersed anti-coup rallies around the country on Sunday, with rep ...View More

Myanmar ramps up violent crackdown on anti-coup protesters

Security forces have intensified their crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar. On Saturday, th ...View More

Myanmar police open fire on protesters in Yangon DW News

Myanmar police open fire on protesters in Yangon DW News I would like to say thanks to all of you co ...View More

Myanmar police fire rubber bullets, tear gas to disperse protesters in Yangon

Myanmar police fired rubber bullets to disperse protesters in Yangon on Saturday, according to an AF ...View More

Myanmar police open fire on protesters in Yangon | DW News

Riot police opened fire to disperse protesters in Myanmar's largest city Yangon. Witnesses say they  ...View More

Myanmar coup: Protesters accuse China of backing military junta

Riot police in #Myanmar on Friday dispersed hundreds of anti-coup #protesters who have rallied daily ...View More

Myanmar military supporters attack anti-coup protesters in Yangon

Supporters of #Myanmar's #military, some armed with knives and clubs, others firing catapults and th ...View More

Myanmar protests: Multi-ethnic rally taking place in Yangon

Protesters against the #military's seizure of power in #Myanmar were back on the streets of cities a ...View More

More Myanmar protests follow strike amid foreign concerns

Protesters against the #military's seizure of power in #Myanmar were back on the streets of cities a ...View More

Huge crowds defy army warning in Myanmar strike - BBC News

Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Myanmar in one of the largest demon ...View More

Protesters rally, businesses close in strike against Myanmar coup

Huge crowds of protesters are marching in towns and cities across Myanmar to protest against the mil ...View More

Myanmar military junta threats protesters with lethal force | DW News

Thousands of pro-democracy protesters again flooded the streets of major cities, as a general strike ...View More

Myanmar coup: Three weeks of protest turn deadly

As #Myanmar's #military threatens to use deadly force against #protesters, FRANCE 24 takes a look a  ...View More

Myanmar coup: Massive rallies as protesters defy military orders

Tens of thousands of anti-#coup #protesters rallied across #Myanmar again on Monday despite a clear  ...View More

Strike grips Myanmar, anti-coup protesters defy junta's lethal warning

Myanmar police began to disperse pro-#democracy protesters on Monday as businesses around the countr ...View More

Thousands of protesters rally in Myanmar, junta warns more could die

The #Myanmar junta warned anti-#coup #protesters they could die but thousands of people took to the  ...View More

UN condemns lethal crackdown on Myanmar protests as mourners bury first victim

A lethal attack on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar sparked fresh UN condemnation of the country's ne ...View More

Huge rallies in Myanmar as backlash grows over protester killings

A day after the worst violence yet since Myanmar's military coup earlier this month, thousands of pr ...View More

Myanmar protesters undeterred by deadly police violence | DW News

In Myanmar, thousands of people have defied threats of violence to take part in a new day of protest ...View More

Myanmar police shoot dead 2 protesters in bloodiest post-coup day

Violence is escalating in Myanmar, with security forces cracking down further on protesters demandin ...View More

Myanmar police fire live ammunition at anti-coup protesters | DW News

At least two people have been killed and several others injured in Myanmar after police fired live a ...View More

Myanmar coup : Uprising of Gen Z protesters defy military regime (20 ก.พ. 64)

ติดตามชมใน "ข่าวเจาะย่อโลก" ในวันเสาร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ 2564 ในช่วงข่าวค่ำมิติใหม่ทั่วไทย ทางไทยพีบี ...View More

Raids and internet blackouts: Myanmar’s military vs protesters | The Listening Post

A civil disobedience movement is growing in Myanmar; young people are using social media to organise ...View More

Nearly 500 detained in Myanmar, hackers target military websites

Anti-coup protesters in Myanmar are refusing to back down despite fears of a violent crackdown by th ...View More

Mynamar anti-coup protesters keep taking to the streets | DW News

Thousands of anti-coup protesters took to the streets of Myanmar on Wednesday in even larger demonst ...View More

Myanmar protesters stage biggest rallies since troop deployments

Myanmar's anti-#coup protesters returned to the streets in force on Wednesday, staging the biggest # ...View More

Myanmar protesters call for more rallies to 'take down the dictators'

Opponents of #Myanmar's military #coup called for more big protests on Wednesday to show that the ar ...View More

Rebel music: Street orchestra and dancers urge on Myanmar protesters

Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news ...View More

Protesters undaunted as Myanmar junta deploys more soldiers

Protesters in #Myanmar kept up demands on Tuesday for the release of ousted leader Aung San Suu #Kyi ...View More

Myanmar protests resume after 2nd night of internet shutdown

Peaceful demonstrations against #Myanmar's military takeover resumed Tuesday, following violence aga ...View More

Myanmar coup: Protests grow despite crackdown

Security forces in #Myanmar intensified their #crackdown against anti-#coup protesters on Monday, se ...View More

Myanmar protests resume, internet restored as military circles

Myanmar's military has opened fire on a crowd of protesters in the second largest city of Mandalay,  ...View More

Myanmar's military warns protesters could face prison - BBC News

Myanmar's military has warned anti-coup protesters across the country they could face up to 20 years ...View More

Myanmar security forces crack down on anti-coup protesters

Security forces in #Myanmar intensified their #crackdown against anti-#coup #protesters on Monday, s ...View More

Tanks deployed and shots fired at protesters as Myanmar tensions rise

The Myanmar army has been deployed into major cities and shots fired into crowds of demonstrators as ...View More

Myanmar junta cuts off internet, deploys tanks as soldiers fire at protesters

Myanmar cut internet service and deployed troops around the country on Monday in signs of a feared c ...View More

Tens of thousands protest coup in Myanmar after night of fear

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Myanmar's major cities for a ninth day of ant ...View More

Phil Robertson Speaks to DW 12 Feb 2021 Myanmar Democracy

Speaking to #Germany's Deutsche Welle TV network on the crackdown against the #Myanmar protesters fi ...View More

How will Myanmar's military respond to protests? | Inside Story

Protesters in Myanmar have faced arrests, curfews and some internet blackouts for several days now.  ...View More

Myanmar’s military grants amnesty to more than 23,000 prisoners

Protesters in Myanmar have held their seventh day of rallies against this month's military coup. The ...View More

Myanmar general warns anti-coup protesters to return to work

Myanmar's ruling general signalled waning patience Thursday with nationwide #protests over the milit ...View More

Myanmar's protesters back on the streets as US sanctions coup leaders

Huge crowds thronged cities around #Myanmar to demand the return of ousted leader Aung San Suu #Kyi  ...View More

Gravitas: Is Myanmar slipping into China's grip?

The fears have come true. Chinese planes have landed in Myanmar. Protesters say the planes carry 'ar ...View More

Myanmar anti-coup protesters march again as US sanctions generals

Anti-#coup #protesters on Thursday took to the streets of #Myanmar for a sixth consecutive day, afte ...View More

'I can't accept this government': Myanmar anti-coup protesters march again

Protesters returned to the streets of #Myanmar on Wednesday despite the shooting of a young woman th ...View More

Which way will it go? Myanmar protesters defy military

First there was a coup, then Myanmar's military banned protests... And yet. And yet a new generation ...View More

Myanmar protests continue after violent crackdown

Protesters in Myanmar returned to the streets for a fifth consecutive day and a day after rallies we ...View More

Myanmar: Military raids NLD party headquarters | DW News

The US on Tuesday condemned violence against protesters in ongoing protests against a military coup  ...View More

Woman 'shot' in head fights for life as Myanmar protests enter fifth day

Protesters returned to the streets of #Myanmar on Wednesday after the most violent day yet in #demon ...View More

Growing anti-coup protests in Myanmar meet strong military resistance

The military has cracked down on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar after four days of peaceful protest ...View More

'We will fight until we win': Myanmar protesters march again, defying ban on gatherings

Demonstrators against #Myanmar's military takeover took to the streets again Tuesday in defiance of  ...View More

Myanmar forces fire rubber bullets, warning shots at protesters

Police in Myanmar's capital Naypyidaw fired gunshots into the air on Tuesday to disperse demonstrati ...View More

Myanmar protesters demand release of Aung San Suu Kyi, return of civilian government

Protesters in #Myanmar, defiant in the face of blasts from security forces' water cannons, are deman ...View More

Myanmar coup: Reports of police firing rubber bullets at protesters

Security forces fired rubber bullets and tear gas at anti-#coup protesters in #Myanmar on Tuesday as ...View More

Myanmar protesters defy ban on gatherings | DW News

Security forces in Myanmar on Tuesday used rubber bullets and tear gas against anti-coup protesters  ...View More

Protestors march in Myanmar's Yangon despite warnings from military

Protesters started gathering across #Myanmar's largest city of #Yangon on Tuesday, defying warnings  ...View More

Myanmar military warns of ‘action’ as protests grow

Myanmar authorities have warned “action” would be taken against protesters who break the law as huge ...View More

Police fire water cannon as Myanmar demonstrators stage largest protest since 2007

Police fired a water cannon at #protesters in the #Myanmar capital on Monday as tens of thousands of ...View More

Thousands of Myanmar protesters in standoff with police in Yangon

Thousands of people took to the streets of Yangon to denounce a military coup and demanded the relea ...View More

Myanmar anti-junta protests spread, Twitter and Instagram blocked

A digital crackdown by Myanmar's military government on protesters' online presence is intensifying. ...View More

Yangon witnesses biggest show of dissent, thousands march against Myanmar military | WION

The military in Myanmar is getting public resistance against the coup. The biggest dissent so far, h ...View More